Monday, February 2, 2009


Kitty, you will notice she is wearing the tinkerbell nightie that Lonnie sent her!


  1. I am looking at the pictures with tears of joy. You all look so happy and content.

    Lonnie is so excited about getting to meet her new cousin. She really has a "big sister" syndrome. She wants to show Rachael how to give your dogs a bath and paint their toenails.

    We are all looking forward to seeing you this summer.

    FYI...cows are sacred (to Hindus)in India and allowed to roam wherever they please, and everyone takes care of them (hence being plump).

    Kitty, Bobby and Lonnie

  2. She is beautiful and I'm so glad she's finally with you. Now come home!

  3. Thanks for posting so fast, I had trouble sleeping in anticipation of these pics! I started to cry when I saw her beautiful smile on top of Tom's shouldars. Oh Thank you Jesus!

  4. I just noticed that she's left handed like you Mom.
