Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Way Overdue Update!

Our Rachie is now 6 years old and a total California girl.

To catch up:

Rachel became a Christian a year ago. Here's how it went: At breakfast table, Rachel said, "I think I want to become a Christian." Daddy, said, very casually, "Oh yeah?" Rachel, "Yeah. I've been thinking about my sin and what Jesus did for me on the cross. I prayed to Him and told Him I was sorry and asked Him to forgive me and to live inside me and take me to Heaven when I die." Daddy, "Well, I think you already are a Christian!" Rachel, "I am?!" (I was just sitting their puddling up.) Rachel clearly, over the last year, has shown that she has a very real and personal relationship with the Lord. I love hearing her pray. You feel like you are in His throne room. sigh. He rescued her and we have the privilege of being His hands and feet (and kisses and cuddles!)

Rach decided, on her own, to donate her hair to Locks of Love. A charitable foundation out of Florida that takes donated hair and makes wigs for children who, for different medical reasons, have lost theirs. Her hair was at her waist (it grows ridiculously fast --like Annie's) and she donated about 12 inches. It was exciting for her at first, but she REALLY misses her hair now and keeps checking it to see how much has grown overnight. Its been 2 months since she did this and it is already well past her ears. I love her for making this very real sacrifice.

Rachel wears glasses and hates them, but can't see beyond her nose without them. I predict contacts in her teenage future.

She started 1st grade this summer and I am her teacher!! I love homeschooling her. It helps that she is extremely smart, well-behaved, and that one can purchase all the materials and lesson plans! heh heh.

We now have five goats. Two are "in milk". Rachel is quite the little milk-maid. She got a quart this morning!

love, Rachel's mom